Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashua

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A Word About These Recordings

These recordings are all recorded live during our services using two small, unobtrusive microphones hanging from the ceiling. We think these recordings are pretty good but for the full experience please visit us in person! We were established in 1826 in Nashua, New Hampshire. Our Internet home is uunashua.org.

Our minister is Rev. Allison Palm and our director of faith formation is Sadie Kahn-Green. Our pianist, organist, choir director, and music director are all Jared (Jed) Holland.

One part of many services is called Joys and Concerns. It is too personal to be posted, but here is a sample of the words and music that are said and sung, with the personal information removed: Joys and Concerns.

Services are shown below, most recent first. Using the 'select group' dropdown, you can view previous years one year at a time. For each service, the elements are listed generally as they appear in the printed Order of Service. Click the blue play button following an item to hear it.

We are now also doing live streaming of our services on Sundays at 10 am, then repeating them again at 3 pm and 7 pm that day. To listen to those on internet radio, go to our main website, at uunashua.org, look at "Sunday Service Live" at the top of the right column, then select "Click Here to Play" to start hearing the service.You may have to click the "start" button on your player 2 or 3 times depending on your exact hardware and software.

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Showing Last 12 months

CONTENTS: February, January, December, November, October, September, August, July, June, May, April, March, February

Recordings from the February 9, 2025 service         
Date recorded: February 9, 2025
Today's service is "Living up to our Dreams" and is led by the UU Nashua Board of Trustees, with support from Rev Allison Palm, Music Director Jed Holland, Director of Faith Formation Sadie Kahn-Greene, and Ministerial Intern Erin Scott. The service today was on Zoom, due to bad weather. Our board members leading the service today: Lindsey Hedrick (President) - their words are spoken by Burns Fisher today. Burns Fisher (Vice President) Karen Murray (Clerk) Members at Large Amanda Banner, Robin Trudel, Cecile Bonvouloir, Paul Cardone, Emma Rearick, Victoria Agnew

Gathering the Community
    Welcome- Rev. Allison Palm, Minister       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting By Marta Valentin - Victoria Agnew       
    Opening Hymn: Fire of Commitment       

Sharing in Community
    Wonderbox - Sadie Kahn-Greene & Erin Scott       
    Anthem: Serving the World (words & music: Jed Holland) - UU Nashua Choir, and "As You Go" (Kathleen Tracy)       
    Outreach Offering: Gate City Bike Coop - Amanda Banner       
    Spirit of Life - Carolyn McDade       

Going Deeper
    Framing the Service - Lindsey Hedrick, President (read by Burns Fisher)Ends 1-4 Burns Fisher, Robin Trudel, Cecile Bonvouloir, Amanda Banner       
    Anthem: I Dream a World (words & music: Andr J. Thomas)- UU Nashua Choir       
    Ends 5-8 Paul Cardone, Karen Murray, Lindsey Hedrick (read by Burns), Emma Rearick       
    Lead With Love Testimonial - UUCN Board of Trustees       

Returning to Service in Life
    Closing Song: For All That is Our Life       
    Benediction & Chalice Extinguishing By David Blanchard - Robin Trudel, Member-at-Large       
    Song for Parting: Peace & Joy (words & music: Kathy Grossman)       

Recordings from the February 2, 2025 service.         
Date recorded: February 2, 2025
Today's service is “Lead with Love” and is led by Rev. Allison Palm, with support from Worship Associate Julia Firmbach, Stewardship Co-Chairs Kenna McLeod & David Price, and Music Director Jed Holland.

Gathering the Community
    Welcome - Rev. Allison Palm       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting - Julie Firmbach       
    Opening Hymn: Fire of Commitment       

Sharing in Community
    Outreach Offering: Gate City Bike Coop - Emma Rearick & John Burkitt, Gate City Bike Co-op President, and "From You I Receive" (Joseph & Nathan Segal)       
    Words for Reflection Excerpt from Prayer for the Crown Shy by Becky Chambers - Julia Firmbach       
    Anthem: Choose to Bless the World (music: Nick Page; words: Rebecca Parker) - UU Nashua Choir       
    Spirit of Life (Carolyn McDade)       

Going Deeper
    Lead with Love - Kenna McLeod & David Price, Stewardship Co-Chairs       
    Anthem: Youll Never Walk Alone (music: Richard Rodgers; words: Oscar Hammerstein) - sung by Kathy Grossman and Brenna Woods       
    Sermon Rev. Allison       

Returning to Service in Life
    Closing Song: We Shall Be Known (words & music: MaMuse)       
    Benediction - Rev. Allison       
    Song for Parting: Peace & Joy (words & music: Kathy Grossman) and Postlude - Jed Holland, Music Director       

Recordings from the January 19, 2025 service         
Date recorded: January 19, 2025
“Justice Work in Bad Weather” Led by Erin Scott, Ministerial Intern

    Ringing the Bell & Welcome - Erin Scott, Ministerial Intern       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting - Sam Murray & Friend       
    Opening Hymn: Wake, Now, My Senses (Words: Thomas J. S. Mikelson; Music: Traditional Irish Melody; Harmony: Carlton R. Young)       

    Wonderbox ("Two Frogs" by Christopher Buice) - Sam Murray & friend       
    Congregational Song: As You Go (words & music: Kathleen Tracey)       
    Outreach Offering: Ministers Discretionary Fund - Paul Cardone       
    Anthem Intro - Jed Holland, Music Director       
    Anthem: Make Them Hear You (music: Stephen Flaherty; words: Lynn Ahrens; arr.: Jeff Funk) - UU Nashua Choir       
    Response: Spirit of Life       

    Words for Reflection ("Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community" By Martin Luther King, Jr.) - Sam Murray       
    Anthem: The Losing Side (words & music: Grace Petrie) - Lindsey Hedrick       
    Sermon - Erin       

    Closing Hymn: Lift Every Voice and Sing (Words: James Weldon Johnson; Music: J. Rosamond Johnson)       
    Benediction & Chalice Extinguishing - Erin       
    Song for Parting: Peace & Joy (words & music: Kathy Grossman); Postlude - Jed       

Recordings from the January 12, 2025 service.         
Date recorded: January 12, 2025
Today's service is "Seeking Answers, Finding Questions" and is led by the Rev Allison Palm, with support from guest pianist Gary Finger, Worship Associate Dick Widhu, and Faith Formation Director Sadie Kahn-Greene.

Gathering the Community
    Ringing the Bell & Welcome Rev. Allison Palm, Minister       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting The Great Teachers in Life By Jason Cook - Dick Widhu       
    Opening Hymn: Wake, Now, My Senses       

Sharing in Community
    Wonderbox The Purpose of Life Adapted by Lauren Wyeth from an anonymous story - Sadie Kahn-Greene & friend, and As You Go (words & music: Kathleen Tracy)       
    Outreach Offering: Ministers Discretionary Fund - Karen Murray & Rev. Allison Palm       
    Anthem: River of Dreams (words & music: Billy Joel; arr.: Mark Brymer) - UU Nashua Choir and soloist Kathy Grossman       
    Spirit of Life (Carolyn McDade)       

Going Deeper
    Words for Reflection Cherish Your Doubts By Robert T Weston - Dick       
    Anthem: Closer to Fine (words & music: Emily Saliers; arr.: by Naomi Berwin; as performed by the Indigo Girls) - Emma Rearick & Anne Smith       
    Sermon Rev. Allison Palm       

Returning to Service in Life
    Closing Hymn: We Laugh, We Cry       
    Benediction & Chalice Extinguishing - Rev. Allison Palm       
    Song for Parting: Peace & Joy (words & music: Kathy Grossman)       

Recordings from the December 29, 2024 service.         
Date recorded: December 29, 2024
Today's service is "Poems of Peace" and is led by our Ministerial Intern Erin Scott, with support from Music Director Jed Holland, Worship Associate Dick WIdhu, Sarah Widhu, and members of the congregation who shared poem readings.

Gathering the Community
    Prelude by Jed Holland and Welcome from Erin Scott       

    Opening Words Into Many Coming Years By Mary Shelden - Dick Widhu       
    Opening Hymn: Peace, Salaam, Shalom (words & music: Emmas Revolution)       
    Intro to Poetry as a Spiritual Practice Erin Scott, Ministerial Intern       
    Poem - Sarah Widhu       

Sharing in Community
    Outreach Offering: Fuel & Energy Assistance - Robin Trudel, and response From You I Receive (Joseph and Nathan Segal)       
    Spirit of Life       

Going Deeper
    Introduction to Poetry Readings - Dick Widhu, and Sharing of Poems - volunteers from the congregation        
    Anthem: Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening (poem: Robert Frost, arr.: Larry Nickel) - UU Nashua Choir       
    Introduction to Poetry Readings II - Dick Widhu, and Sharing of Poems by congregation       
    Homily - Erin Scott       

Returning to Service in Life
    Closing Song: How Sweet the Darkness       
    Benediction & Chalice Extinguishing Erin Scott       
    Song for Parting: Peace & Joy (words & music: Kathy Grossman)       
    Postlude Jed Holland       

Recordings from the December 22, 2024         
Date recorded: December 22, 2024
“The Snow Tree UU Kids Solstice Service” Led by UU Nashua Children & Youth Based upon The Snow Tree by Caroline Repchuk Script by Jenni Papp, DRE SouthWest UUC, North Royalton, Ohio Adapted by Sadie Kahn-Greene for UU Church of Nashua in 2024.

    Prelude - Jed Holland, Music Director       
    Ringing the Bell & Welcome - Anna, Abby & Phinn       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting - Phinn & Friend       
    Lighting the Advent Wreath - Abby       
    Opening Hymn: Deck the Hall with Boughs of Holly       

    Introduction to the Solstice Pageant - Anna       
    Anthem: Solstice Carol (words & music: Diane Benjamin) - UU Nashua Choir       
    Solstice Pageant, Part I       
    Congregational Song: The Holly and the Ivy (English Traditional Carol, words adapted by Karen Deal Robinson)       
    Winter Blessings - Anna       

    Caring Candles - Rev. Allison Palm & Sharon Machado 
    Response: Spirit of Life (words and music by Carolyn McDade)       

    Solstice Pageant, Part II       
    Congregational Song: O Solstice Tree (music:: Ernst Anschtz; words: adapted by Sadie Kahn-Greene)       
    Solstice Pageant, Part III       
    Outreach Offering: Fuel & Energy Assistance - Burns Fisher       
    Offertory: Instrumental - Jed Holland       
    Response: From You I Receive (words and music Joseph Segal and Nathan Segal)       

    Closing Song: Peace is the World Smiling (words & music: Karen Stokes) - Led by Childrens Choir       
    Benediction: Written by Authentic Connection UU Nashua teens in collaboration with chatGBT - Abby       
    Song for Parting: Peace & Joy (words & music: Kathy Grossman) - Led by Pre-K & Childcare Children       
    Postlude - Jed Holland, Music Director       

Recordings from the December 15, 2024 service         
Date recorded: December 15, 2024
“Finding Peace in the Chaos” Led by Rev. Allison Palm

    Ringing the Bell & Welcome - Rev. Allison Palm       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting - Tina Marshman & Friend       
    Lighting the Advent Wreath (Words by Megan Visser) - Rev. Allison       
    Opening Hymn: Peace, Salaam, Shalom (words & music: Emmas Revolution)       

    Wonderbox (I Am Peace: A Book of Mindfulness by Susan Verde) - Sadie Kahn-Greene & Friend       
    Congregational Song: As You Go (words & music: Kathleen Tracey)        
    Outreach Offering: Fuel & Energy Assistance - Lindsey Hedrick       
    Response: From You I Receive (Words & Music: Joseph and Nathan Segal)        
    Anthem: Grateful For (words & music: Natalie Layne) - Brenna Woods       

    Words for Reflection: "Dear Family, Friends, & Loved Ones, I Need A Slow Christmas Next Year" by Emma Scheib - Tina Marshman       
    Words for Reflection: "Love What You Love" by Erika Hewitt - Rev. Allison       
    Words for Reflection: "Too Much of Everything" by Misha Sanders - Tina Marshman       
    Anthem: Hold Me, Rock Me (words & music: Brian Tate)       
    Sermon - Rev. Allison       

    Closing Hymn: Meditation on Breathing (words & music: Sarah Dan Jones)       
    Benediction - Rev. Allison Palm       
    Song for Parting: Peace & Joy (words & music: Kathy Grossman) / Postlude - Jed Holland       

Recordings from the December 8, 2024 service.         
Date recorded: December 8, 2024
Today's service is "Creating True Peace" and is led by Rev Allison Palm, with support from Ministerial Intern Erin Scott, Music Director Jed Holland, and Worship Associate Andrew Griffis.

Gathering the Community
    Welcome - Erin Scott       

    Chalice Lighting - Andrew Griffis       
    Lighting the Advent Wreath - Rev Allison Palm       
    Opening Hymn: Peace, Salaam, Shalom (words & music: Emmas Revolution)       

Sharing in Community
    Wonderbox - Sadie Kahn-Greene: The Great Silent Grandmother Gathering : A Story for Anyone Who Thinks She Can't Save the World by Sharon Mehdi       
    Anthem: 1,000 Grandmothers (words & music: Holly Near; arr.: J. David Moore) = Female & Nonbinary Voices from the UU Nashua Choir       
    Congregational Song: As You Go (words & music: Kathleen Tracey)       
    Outreach Offering: Fuel & Energy Assistance - Karen Murray, and Response: From You I Receive (by Joseph and Nathan Segal)       
    Spirit of Life (Carolyn McDade)       

Going Deeper
    Words for Reflection Excerpt from When Peace Becomes Obnoxious, by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr - Andrew       
    Anthem: Connected (words & music: Brian Tate) - UU Nashua Choir       
    Sermon - Rev. Allison       

Returning to Service in Life
    Closing Hymn: One More Step       
    Benediction - Erin Scott       
    Song for Parting: Peace & Joy (words & music: Kathy Grossman)       
    Postlude - Jed       

Recordings from the November 24, 2024 service.         
Date recorded: November 24, 2024
“You Get Proud By Practicing” Led by Rev. Allison Palm & Sadie Kahn-Greene Note: The audio on Firework dropped out for 40 seconds,I trimmed the silence and this is why there is a short bit of silence and when the song resumes it is later in the score.


    Prelude - Jed Holland, Music Director 
    Ringing the Bell & Welcome - Rev. Allison Palm, Minister       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting (Words by Gretchen Haley) - Tina Marshman & Savanna       
    Opening Hymn: We Gather Together (Words by Dorothy Caiger Senghas and Robert E. Senghas, Music by Adrian Valerius, Arr. by Edward Kremser)       

    Wonderbox Exclamation mark by Amy Krouse Rosenthal & Tom Lichtenheld - Sadie Kahn-Greene & Savanna       
    Anthem: Japanese Bowl (Words & Music: Peter Mayer) - Harry Purkhiser       
    Outreach Offering: UUA Disaster Relief - Cecile Bonvouloir       
    Response: From You I Receive (Words & Music: Joseph and Nathan Segal)       

    Caring Candles & Silent Reflection - Rev. Allison Palm & Sharon Machado 
    Response: Spirit of Life (Words & Music by Carolyn McDade)       

    Words for Reflection: You Get Proud by Practicing by Laura Hershey - Tina, Abigail, Charlotte, Anna       
    Anthem: Firework (words & music: Katy Perry, Mikkel S. Eriksen, Tor Erik Hermansen, Sandy Wilhelm & Ester Dean) - UU Nashua Choir       
    Homily - Rev. Allison Palm       
    Affirmation Practice - Rev. Allison       

    Closing Hymn: Sanctuary (words: Dave Ruffin; arr. Mark David Buckles)       
    Benediction - Rev. Allison Palm       
    Song for Parting and Postlude: Peace & Joy (words & music: Kathy Grossman) - Jed Holland, Music Director       

Recordings from the November 17, 2024 service         
Date recorded: November 17, 2024
“Spiritual Practices for Everyone” Led by Rev. Allison Palm & Erin Scott

    Ringing the Bell & Welcome - Erin Scott, Ministerial Intern       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting (Words By Catherine Callahan) - Julia Firmbach & Abigail       
    Opening Hymn: We Gather Together       

    Wonderbox Prayer Beads Wonder Story (Written by Sadie Kahn-Greene Nov. 2019) - Sadie Kahn-Greene & Laurel       
    Congregational Song: As You Go (words & music: Kathleen Tracey)       
    Outreach Offering: UUA Disaster Relief - Emma Rearick       
    Responsd: "From You I Receive"       
    Anthem: Nada Brahma (The World is Sound) (words and music by Brian Tate) - UU Nashua Choir       
    Spirit of Life       

    Words for Reflection Excerpts from The Miracle of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh - Julia Firmbach       
    Reflection - Erin Scott       
    Anthem: Why We Sing (words & music: Greg Gilpin)- Music Team       
    Reflection - Julia Firmbach       
    Reflection - Rev. Allison       

    Closing Hymn: Blessed Spirit of My Life (words & music: Shelley Jackson Denham)       
    Benediction - Erin Scott       
    Song for Parting: Peace & Joy (words & music: Kathy Grossman)       
    Postlude - Jed Holland, Music Director       

Recordings from the November 10, 2024 service         
Date recorded: November 10, 2024
Today's service is Practice Loving Anyway, and is led by Rev Allison Palm, with support from ministerial intern Erin Scott, Music Director Jed Holland, and worship associate Sam Murray. Make sure to listen to today's wonderful music too!

Gathering the Community
    Welcome - Rev Allison Palm       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting - Sam Murray & Lukas       
    Opening Hymn: We Gather Together (Dorothy Caiger Senghas, Robert E. Senghas, Adrian Valerius, Edward Kremser)       

Sharing in Community
    Wonderbox - Rev Allison & Lukas and Congregational Song: As You Go (words & music: Kathleen Tracey)       
    Outreach Offering: UUA Disaster Relief - Paul Cardone and Response: From You I Receive (Joseph & Nathen Segal)       
    Anthem: Breaths (music: Ysaye M. Barnwell; words: Birago Diop) - UU Nashua Choir       
    Spirit of Life (Carolyn McDade)       

Going Deeper
    Words for Reflection Because by Rosemary Wahtola Trommer - Sam Murray       
    Anthem: Plowshare Prayer (words & music: Spencer LaJoye) - Brenna Woods       
    Sermon - Rev Allison       

Returning to Service in Life
    Closing Hymn: I Know I Can       
    Benediction - Rev Allison       
    Song for Parting: Peace & Joy (words & music: Kathy Grossman) and Postlude - Jed       

Recordings from the October 27, 2024 service.         
Date recorded: October 27, 2024
“From the Heart, Who Am I? An All Ages Service” Led by Rev. Allison Palm & Sadie Kahn-Greene

    Prelude: Concerto in A Major for Oboe dAmore, BWV 1055, by J. S. Bach First movement (Allegro moderato) - Jed Holland, Music Director, Corey Sweeney, Oboe       
    Ringing the Bell & Welcome: Rev. Allison Palm       

    Opening Words and Chalice Lighting: : words by Sarah Ruth Wekoye Davis - Sam Murray & Olympia       
    Opening Hymn: Theres a River Flowin in My Soul - Words and Music: Rose Sanders, Arr. Kenny Smith       

    Outreach Offering: Childrens Law Center of NH - Cecile Bonvouloir       
    Response: From You I Receive; words & music: Joseph & Nathan Segal       
    Wonderbox: Adapted from The Most Beautiful Heart which was adapted by Jessica Zimmer from The Perfect Heart Parable; Rev. Allison Palm, Sam Murray, Olympia & Friends       
    Anthem: Corner of the Sky (words & music: Stephen Schwartz; arr.: Teena Chinn); UU Nashua Choir       
    Wonderbox Part II: Sam Murray, Olympia & Friends       
    Response to Joys and Concerns: Spirit of Life by Carolyn McDade       

    From the Heart, Who Am I Meditation: Becoming (words & music by Mary Grigolia); Sadie Kahn-Greene       
    Anthem: Concerto in A Major for Oboe dAmore, BWV 1055, by J. S. Bach Second movement (Larghetto); Corey Sweeney, Oboe Jed Holland, Piano Accompaniment       
    From the Heart, Who Are We: Rev. Allison Palm       

    Hymn: Come Sing A Song With Me (words and music: Carolyn McDade)       
    Benediction: Erin Scott       
    Song for Parting: Peace & Joy (words & music: Kathy Grossman), Postlude Jed Holland, Music Director       

Recordings from the October 20, 2024 service         
Date recorded: October 20, 2024
Today's service is entitled “We Are the Breath of Our Ancestors” led by Dick Widhu, Esin Sparrow, Julia Firmbach, and Tina Marshman with support from music director Jed Holland. Please note, that the first few minutes of service were not recorded. For the most complete experience, please join us in person!

Gathering the Community

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting (Words by Reverend Sarah Lammert) - Dick Widhu       
    Opening Hymn: There's a River Flowin' in My Soul; words & music: Rose Sanders - Hymn #1007       

Sharing in Community
    Wonderbox: The Keeping Quilt, by Patricia Polacco - Julia Firmbach       
    Congregational Song: As You Go by Kathleen Tracy       
    Outreach Offering: Children's Law Center of NH - Lindsey Hedrick       
    Response: From You I Receive; words & music: Joseph & Nathan Segal       
    Intro to Anthem - Jed Holland       
    Anthem: Linden Lea; words & music: Ralph Vaughan Williams - UU Nashua Choir       
    Response to Joys and Concerns: Spirit of Life by Carolyn McDade       

Going Deeper
    History & Authenticity - Dick Widhu       
    Reflection - Tina Marshman       
    Anthem: Who I Am as performed by Jessica Andrews; words & music: Brett James & Troy Verges - Anne Smith       
    Reflection - Esin Sparrow       

Returning to Service in Life
    Closing Hymn: We Are...; words & music: Ysaye M. Barnwell - Hymn #1051       
    Benediction (Words by Reverend Kim Wildszewski) - Dick Widhu       
    Song for Parting: Peace & Joy; words & music: Kathy Grossman       
    Postlude - Jed Holland, Music Director       

Recordings from the October 13, 2024 service.         
Date recorded: October 13, 2024
Today's service is "This Is Me: A Coming Out Day Service" and is led by Rev Allison Palm and the Welcoming Congregation Team, with support from Music Director Jed Holland and Faith Formation Director Sadie Kahn-Greene.

Gathering the Community
    Welcome - Rev. Allison Palm       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting Words by Lori Gorgas Hlaban - Brian Ibsen-Johnson & Teddy       
    Opening Hymn: Theres a River Flowin in My Soul       

Sharing in Community
    Wonderbox and As You Go (words & music: Kathleen Tracey) = Sadie Kahn-Greene       
    Outreach Offering: Childrens Law Center of NH and From You I Receive - Paul Cardone       
    Anthem: This is Me (words & music: Benj Pasek & Justin Paul; arr.: Mac Huff) - UU Nashua Choir       
    Spirit of Life       

Going Deeper
    Reflection - Brian Ibsen-Johnson       
    Reflection - Sharon Machado       
    Anthem: I Am What I Am (from La Cage aux Folles; words & music: Jerry Herman) - Vengerflutta Smith       
    Reflection - Brenna Woods       
    Craving Brave Space - Rev. Allison Palm       

Returning to Service in Life
    Closing Hymn: How Could Anyone       
    Benediction - Sean Chadwick       
    Song for Parting: Peace & Joy (words & music: Kathy Grossman)       
    Postlude - Jed Holland, Music Director       

Recordings from the October 6, 2024 service         
Date recorded: October 6, 2024
“Uncovering the Masterpiece” Led by Erin Scott, Ministerial Intern

    Ringing the Bell & Welcome - Erin Scott, Ministerial Intern       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting: "On Turning" by Jack Riemer - Robin Trudel       
    Opening Hymn: "Theres a River Flowin in My Soul" #1007       

    Evolving Covenant of Right Relationship       
    Anthem: "Never One Thing" (words & music: May Erlewine; arr.:Corie Brown) - UU Nashua Choir       
    Outreach Offering: Childrens Law Center of NH - Karen Murray & Lori Wolford, Exec. Dir. of Childrens Law Center of NH       
    Response: "From You I Receive" #402       
    "Spirit of Life" #402       
    Anthem: "Reflection" (from Mulan); music: Mathew Wilder; words: David Zippel) - Kathleen Griffis       

    Reading: An excerpt from Dr. Brene Browns book, "Daring Greatly" - Robin Trudel       
    Sermon - Erin Scott       

    Closing Hymn: "We Are" #1051       
    Benediction - Erin Scott       
    Song for Parting: "Peace & Joy" (words & music: Kathy Grossman) into postlude by Jed Holland       

Recordings from the September 29, 2024 service         
Date recorded: September 29, 2024
The UU Climate Justice Revival, “Reimagine Together: From an Extractive Age to a New Era” is a project of the UU Climate Justice Coalition and Friends with financial support from Revival Sponsors. The Revival builds on decades of faithful and visionary UU climate and environmental leadership and is designed to encourage collaboration amongst congregational teams and break down silos. Together, we can move past systems and cultures of extraction to usher in a new era with love and justice at the center of our climate actions. Many UU congregations held their versions of this service simultaneously from around the world.

    Prelude - Jed Holland       
    Ringing the bell and opening music: "Hope in Us" (words & music: Joshua Long) - led by Marissa Volpe       
    Opening Hymn: "Welcome In" (words & music: Lucy Holstedt)       
    Welcome and Greeting - Rev. Allison Palm       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting (words by Rev. Megan Foley) - Dick Widhu and Laurel G.       

    Window of Opportunity update - Lindsey Hedrick       
    Wonderbox: "What Do You Do With a Problem?" By Kobi Yamad - Sadie Kahn-Greene and Lucas F.       
    Hymn: "Blue Boat Home" #1064       
    Outreach Offering: Meals on Wheels - Emma Rearick       
    Response: "From You I Receive" #402       
    "Spirit of Life" #123       

    Prayers of the People and Planet - Rev. Allison Palm, Sadie Kahn-Greene & Dick Widhu       
    Anthem: "Part of It" (words & music: Lea Morris & Adam Podd) - led by the UU Nashua Choir       
    Words for Reflection By Rev. Dr. Omega Burckhardt - Rev. Allison Palm       
    "Nourishment for the Long Haul" adapted from "For Nourishing Justice Makers" by Revs. Aisha Ansano & Emily Conger - Rev. Allison Palm       

    Closing Song: "We Will Rise" (words & music: Clif Hardin) - Led by the UU Nashua Choir       
    Benediction: words by Rev. Peggy Clarke - Dick Widhu       
    Song for Parting: "Peace & Joy" (words & music: Kathy Grossman)       

Recordings from the September 22, 2024 service.         
Date recorded: September 22, 2024
Today's service is entitled “Finding Home” Led by Rev. Allison Palm with support from music director Jed Holland, and worship associate Brenna Woods. There is no audio until halfway through the welcoming. Sorry! We also apologize for the quality of these recordings. For the best sound quality, please join us in person!

    Welcome: Rev. Allison Palm       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting: Brenna Woods (Words by Kimberlee Anne Tomczak Carlson)       
    Opening Hymn: Welcome In (words & music: Lucy Holstedt)       

    Window of Opportunity Update: Robin Trudel       
    Wonderbox: The Memory Table by Jessica York & Christy Olson - Sadie Kahn-Greene & Friend       
    Outreach Offering: Meals on Wheels - Cecile Bonvouloir       
    Response: From You I Receive (words & music: Joseph & Nathan Segal)       
    Anthem: Love, Come Take Me Home - UU Nashua Choir (music: Clif Hardin; words: Jan Elicker)       
    Response: Spirit of Life (words & music: Carolyn McDade)       

Going Deeper
    Words for Reflection Saying Goodbye to a Home and Grieving Lost Places - Brenna Woods (by Eleanor Haley)       
    Anthem: Heaven When Were Home (words & music: The Wailin Jennys) -Anne Smith, Kathleen Griffis & Brenna Woods       
    Sermon: Rev. Allison Palm       

    Closing Hymn: Oh River (words & music: MaMuse)       
    Song for Parting: Peace & Joy (words & music: Kathy Grossman), Postlude Jed Holland, Music Director       

Recordings from the September 15, 2024 service.         
Date recorded: September 15, 2024
Today's service is entitled "UU the Vote" led by Reverend Allison Palm with support from music director Jed Holland, and worship associate Maurice Grant. There is no audio until the chalice lighting, so no prelude or welcoming. Sorry!

Gathering in the Community (sorry, no audio)

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting - Maurice Grant (Words by Marianne Hachten Cotter)       
    Opening Hymn: Welcome In (words & music: Lucy Holstedt)       

Sharing in Community
    Window of Opportunity Update - Burns Fisher       
    Wonderbox - Sadie Kahn-Greene & Friend (Congregational Song: As You Go; words & music: Kathleen Tracey)       
    Anthem: I Am But a Small Voice - UU Nashua Choir (music: Roger Whittaker; arr.: John Coates Jr.; words: Odina E. Batnag)       
    Outreach Offering: Meals on Wheels - Amanda Banner (Response: From You I Receive; words & music: Joseph & Nathan Segal)       
    Spirit of Life (words & music: Carolyn McDade)       

Going Deeper
    Words for Reflection: We Hold Hope Close - Maurice Grant (by Rev. Julian Jamaica Soto)       
    Sermon - Reverend Allison       
    Anthem: Which Way, America? (words & music: David B. Allen) - UU Nashua Choir        
    Call to Action - Erin Scott       

Returning to Service in Life
    Closing Hymn: The Tide Is Rising (words & music: Shoshana Friedman)       
    Benediction - Reverend Allison       
    Song for Parting: Peace & Joy (words & music: Kathy Grossman)       
    Postlude - Jed Holland, Music Director       

Recordings from the September 8, 2024 service         
Date recorded: September 8, 2024
Today's service is our Water Communion Service. It is led by Rev. Allison Palm, Sadie Kahn-Greene and Erin Scott, with support from Music Director Jed Holland. Today's service is our first in our new temporary home in the Sylvia Trottier Hall at Rivier University, until our building renovations are complete. We apologize for the quality of these recordings. We are still learning the sound system, and there are also parts that did not get recorded. For the best sound quality, please join us in person!
    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting Words by Rev. Molly Housh Gordon - Erin Scott       

Sharing in Community
    Wonder Story Part I: Noelle and the Really Big Boat by Christian Schmidt - Sadie Kahn-Greene, Andrew Griffis & Friends       
    Outreach Offering: Meals on Wheels - Lindsey Hedrick       
    Wonder Story Part II - Sadie       
    Anthem: Welcome Welcome (words & music: Clif Hardin) - UU Nashua Choir       
    Spirit of Life       
    Wonder Story Part III        

Going Deeper
    Water Communion - Rev. Allison Palm & Erin Scott       
    Blessing Our Temporary Home Adapted from words by Jennifer Stokes - Rev.Window Allison Palm, Erin Scott & Sadie Kahn-Greene       
    Anthem: Home (words & music: Drew Pearson & Greg Holden; as performed by Phillip Phillips) - Kathy Grossman       
    Our Window of Opportunity - Lindsey Hedrick, President & Emma Rearick, Treasurer       

Returning to Service in Life
    Closing Hymn: Blue Boat Home       
    Benediction - Rev Allison       
    Song for Parting: Peace & Joy (words & music: Kathy Grossman)       

Recordings from the September 1, 2024 service.         
Date recorded: September 1, 2024
Today's service is “The Logic of Faith”, led by Erin Scott, our Ministerial Intern. This is our last summer service this year, and our last service held in Temple Beth Abraham.

Gathering the Community
    Welcome - Julia Firmbach       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting Holding It All by Barbara Pescan - Erin Scott       
    Opening Hymn: Gathered Here       

Sharing in Community
    Outreach Offering: Meals on Wheels - Julia Firmbach       

Going Deeper
    Reading: Letter To Our Better Angels by Sean Parker Dennison - Erin Scott       
    Reading: Letter From Our Better Angels by Sean Parker Dennison - Julia Firmbach       
    Congregational Hymn: Guide My Feet (third verse adapted)       
    Sermon - Erin Scott       

Returning to Service in Life
    Closing Hymn: I Know This Rose Will Open       
    Benediction - Erin Scott       
    Song for Parting: Peace & Joy (words & music: Kathy Grossman)       
    Postlude - Jed Holland, Music Director       

Recordings from the August 25, 2024 service.         
Date recorded: August 25, 2024
“Glamping UU Style” Led by congregation member Vengerflutta Smith with support from Music Director Jed Holland and worship associate Sonrisa O’Toole.

    Ringing the Bell & Welcome - Sonrisa OToole       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting - Vengerflutta Smith (words by: Esther Hurlburt)       
    Opening Song: Love Boat Theme (music & words: Paul Williams & Charlie Fox)       

    Outreach Offering: Community Hospice House Gardens - Sonrisa OToole       
    Response: From You I Receive (words & music: Joseph & Nathan Segal)       
    Wonderbox - Vengerflutta Smith       
    Response: Spirit of Life (words & music: Carolyn McDade)       

    Words for Reflection - Sonrisa OToole       
    Anthem: All You Need is Love (words & music: John Lennon & Paul McCartney)       
    Sermon: Glamping UU Style - Vengerflutta Smith       
    A Handy Guide to the Values of Unitarian Universalism By Emily C. Jones       
    Glamp-fire Chat       

    Closing Song: What the World Needs Now (words & music: Burt Bacharach & Hal David)       
    Benediction: Vengerflutta Smith (words by Sydney K Wilde)       
    Song for Parting: Peace & Joy (words & music: Kathy Grossman) and Postlude - Jed Holland, Music Director       

Recordings from the August 18, 2024 service.         
Date recorded: August 18, 2024
Today's service is "Powered by Love: A Backpack Blessing Service" led by Sadie Kahn-Greene with support from Reverend Allison Palm and Music Director Jed Holland. Audio quality is dicey with frequent cut-outs.

Gathering the Community
    Prelude snippet and Ringing the Bell & Welcome - Reverend Allison Palm       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting - Sadie Kahn-Greene & Julian       

Sharing in Community
    Wonderbox - Sadie Kahn-Greene & Friends       
    Congregational Song: You've Got a Friend (words & music: Carole King)       
    Outreach Offering: Community Hospice House Gardens - Reverend Allison       
    Spirit of Life (words & music: Carolyn McDade)       

Going Deeper
    Backpack Blessing - Rev. Allison Palm & Sadie Kahn-Greene       

Returning to Service in Life
    Closing Hymn - #131 Love Will Guide Us (words: Sally Rogers; music: Traditional, arr. by Betty A Wylder)       
    Benediction - Sadie Kahn-Greene       
    Song for Parting: Peace & Joy (words & music: Kathy Grossman)       
    Postlude - Jed Holland, Music Director       

Recordings from the August 11, 2024 service         
Date recorded: August 11, 2024
Today's service is "Parenting UU- But How?" and is led by congregation member Julia Firmbach, with support from Music Director Jed Holland and worship associate Sam Murray.

Gathering the Community
    Welcome - Sam Murray       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting The Common Room By Everett Howe - Julia Firmbach       
    Opening Song: Come, Sing a Song with Me       

Sharing in Community
    Outreach Offering: Community Hospice House Gardens - Sam       
    Wonder Box Mira and the Big Story (Author: Laura Alary; Illustrator: Sue Todd) - Julia and Cassie McCue       
    Anthem: Grow in Your Own Sweet Way (words & music: Tom Chapin & John Forster) - Soloist Kathy Grossman, video from 2022       

Going Deeper
    Spirit of Life (#123)       
    Words for Reflection - Sam       
    Anthem: Chosen Family (words & music: Joe Schafer Rina Sawayama; as performed by Rina Sawayama & Elton John) - Lindsey Hedrick and Brenna Woods       
    Sermon - Julia       

Returning to Service in Life
    Closing Hymn: For All That Is Our Life       
    Benediction - Julia       
    Song for Parting - "Peace and Joy" by Kathy Grossman       
    Postlude -Jed       

Recordings from the August 4, 2024 service         
Date recorded: August 4, 2024
Today's service is “Reflections from UUA General Assembly” and is led by Rev. Allison Palm, Erin Scott, Jessica Price & Harry Purkhiser. The service was held in Temple Beth Abraham. We apologize for sound quality issues.

Gathering the Community
    Welcome - Rev Allison Palm       

    Opening Words - Harry Purkhiser       
    Opening Song: Circle Round For Freedom       

Sharing in Community
    Outreach Offering: Community Hospice House Gardens - Rev Allison & Barb Young       
    Wonder Box - Erin Scott       
    Anthem: Here Together by David M Glasgow featuring choirs from All Souls Unitarian Church Indianapolis, IN; First Parish in Concord, MA; First Parish UU in Lexington, MA;        

    First UU Congregation of Ann Arbor, MI; UU Fellowship in Athens, GA; UU Fellowship of Poughkeepsie, NY; UU Church in Cherry Hill, NJ; UU Church in Reston, VA; and UU of Minnetonka, MN 
    Spirit of Life (#123)       

Going Deeper
    General Assembly 2024 Summary - Rev. Allison Palm       
    Anthem: We Are Weaving Our Lives by Alexa Sunshine Rose - sung by the group beheld       
    GA Reflection - Harry Purkhiser       
    GA Reflections - Jessica Price       

Returning to Service in Life
    Closing Hymn: Woyaya       
    Benediction The Caterpillars Metamorphosis by Rumi - Jessica Price       
    Song for Parting - "Peace and Joy" by Kathy Grossman       
    Postlude - Gary Finger       

Recordings from the July 28, 2024 service.         
Date recorded: July 28, 2024
Today's service is “Celebrating Our Unique Interests” Led by congregation member Charlotte Cardone, with support from Music Director Jed Holland and worship associate Sonrisa O’Toole.

    Ringing the Bell & Welcome - Sonrisa OToole       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting - Charlotte Cardone       
    Opening Song: My Favorite Things (composer: Richard Rodgers; lyrics: Oscar Hammerstein II)       

    Outreach Offering: Guns to Gardens - Sonrisa OToole       
    Response: "From You I Receive", Credits: Joseph and Nathan Segal       
    Response: Spirit of Life, (words & music: Carolyn McDade)       

    Words for Reflection: Wild Geese - Sonrisa OToole, (words by Mary Oliver)       
    Activity: Charlotte Cardone       

    Closing Hymn: Building Bridges (words: the women of Greenham Common peace occupation in England, 1983, music: Contemporary English Quaker Round)       
    Benediction - Sonrisa OToole       
    Song for Parting: Peace & Joy (words & music: Kathy Grossman) and Postlude - Jed Holland, Music Director       

Recordings from the July 21, 2024 service         
Date recorded: July 21, 2024
Today's service is "Alterity and Sameness in Star Trek", led by Carl Phillips, with support from Music Director Jed Holland and worship associate Dick Widhu.

Gathering the Community
    Prelude - Jed Holland       
    Welcome - Dick Widhu       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting - Carl V. Phillips & Dick Widhu       
    Opening Hymn: Let Freedom Span Both East and West (words: Jacob Trapp; music: African American spiritual)       

Sharing in Community
    Outreach Offering - Dick Widhu and Response: From You I Receive       
    Wonderbox - Robin Trudel, Sabrina P. & Phinn P.       
    Musical Interlude: Theme from Star Trek by Alexander Courage - Jed Holland and Sabrina P. playing a theremin       
    Response to Joys and Sorrows       

Going Deeper
    Words for Reflection: Monologues from Star Trek - Robin Trudel       
    Hymn: Let Us Wander Where We Will (words: Robert Louis Stevenson; music: Traditional Taiwanese melody)       
    Homily - Carl V. Phillips       

Returning to Service in Life
    Closing Hymn: Blue Boat Homen(words: Peter Mayer; music: Roland Hugh Prichard)       
    Benediction - Carl V. Phillips       
    Song for Parting: Peace & Joy       

Recordings from the July 14, 2024 service.         
Date recorded: July 14, 2024
Today's service is “Power is Not Pie” and is led by Erin Scott, Ministerial Intern with support from music director Jed Holland and Worship associate Dick Widhu.

Gathering the Community
    Ringing the Bell and Welcome - Dick Widhu       

    Opening Words and Chalice Lighting, Words by Mo-Tse - Erin Scott       
    Opening Song: My Life Flows On In Endless Song       

Sharing in Community
    Wonderbox: To Be a Drum written by Evelyn Coleman, illustrated by Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson and read by James Earl Jones. - Erin       
    Music: Chains from 5 Pieces for Solo Oboe by Rachel Broadbent - oboe soloist Corey Sweeney       
    Outreach Offering: Guns to Gardens       
    Spirit of Life       

Going Deeper
    Words for Reflection Our Struggle and Our Power By Rev. Erika Hewitt - Dick       
    Music: Hidden Prayers from 5 Pieces for Solo Oboe by Rachel Broadbent - Oboe soloist Corey Sweeney       
    Sermon - Erin       

Returning to Service in Life
    Closing Song: Im Gonna Lift My Sister Up (words & music: Faya Rose Tour)       
    Benediction - Erin       
    Song for Parting - "Peace and Joy" by Kathy Grossman       
    Postlude - Jed       

Recordings from the July 14, 2024 service         
Date recorded: July 14, 2024
“Power is Not Pie” Led by Erin Scott, Ministerial Intern

    Ringing the Bell & Welcome - Dick Widhu       
    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting: Words by Mo-Tse - Erin Scott, Ministerial Intern       
    Opening Song: "My Life Flows On in Endless Song" #108       

    Wonderbox: "To Be a Drum" written by Evelyn Coleman, illustrated by Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson and read by James Earl Jones (Video)       
    Music: "Chains" from "5 Pieces for Solo Oboe" by Rachel Broadbent - Corey Sweeney       
    Outreach Offering: Guns to Gardens - Dick Widhu       
    Response: "From You I Receive" #402       
    "Spirit of Life" #123       

    Words for Reflection: "Our Struggle and Our Power" By Rev. Erika Hewitt - Dick Widhu       
    Music: "Hidden Prayers" from "5 Pieces for Solo Oboe" by Rachel Broadbent - Corey Sweeney       
    Sermon: Erin Scott       

    Closing Song: "Im Gonna Lift My Sister Up" (words & music: Faya Rose Tour)       
    Benediction: Erin Scott       
    Song for Parting: "Peace and Joy" by Kathy Grossman into postlude by Jed Holland       

Recordings from the July 7, 2024 service         
Date recorded: July 7, 2024
“We Are Building a New Way” Led by Rev. Allison Palm This service is adapted from two rituals written by Rev. Tricia Brennan, “For Saying Goodbye to a Sacred Space” and “For Breaking Ground on a Building Project,” both published in Blessing It All: Rituals for Transition and Transformation.

    Prelude - Jed Holland       

    Ringing the Bell and Welcome - Rev. Allison Palm       
    Opening Words and Chalice Lighting: "On the Brink" by Leslie Takahashi - Danielle Van Dusen & Abigail B.       
    Opening Hymn: "Enter, Rejoice and Come In #361       

    Wonderbox - Rev. Allison Palm & Abigail B.       
    Hymn: "We Are Building a New Way" #1017       
    Outreach Offering: Guns to Gardens - Danielle Van Dusen & Nancy Brown, Guns to Gardens Coordinator       
    Response: "From You I Receive" #402       
    "Spirit of Life" #123       

    A Journey of Memory & Gratitude - Rev. Allison Palm       
    Hymn: "We Give Thanks" #1010       
    Blessing Our Future - Rev. Allison Palm       
    Hymn: "Sing Out Praises for the Journey" #295       

    Benediction - Rev. Allison Palm       
    Song for Parting: "Peace and Joy" by Kathy Grossman into postlude by Jed Holland       

Recordings from the June 30, 2024 service.         
Date recorded: June 30, 2024
Today's service is "Am I the Same UU As You?" led by Sam Murray, with support from Music Director Jed Holland and Charlotte Cardone.

Gathering the Community
    Prelude - Jed Holland       
    Welcome - Charlotte Cardone       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting Here We Are So Gathered, by Patricia Shelden - Sam Murray       
    Opening Hymn: Come, Come, Whoever You Are #188       

Sharing in Community
    Outreach Offering: Seacoast Outright - Charlotte Cardone and response From You I Receive (by Joseph & Nathan Segal)       
    Wonderbox - Sam       
    Spirit of Life (Carolyn McDade)       
    Words for Reflection - Charlotte       
    Hymn: Come, Sing a Song With Me       
    Sermon and time to share our ideas - Sam       

Returning to Service in Life
    Closing Hymn: Love Will Guide Us       
    Benediction - Sam       
    Song for Parting: Peace & Joy (words & music: Kathy Grossman)       
    Postlude - Jed       

Recordings from the June 23, 2024 service         
Date recorded: June 23, 2024
Today's service was a broadcast of this year's General Assembly (GA) Sunday service. We do not have a recording for you.

Recordings from the June 16, 2024 service         
Date recorded: June 16, 2024
“Pride Sunday” Led by Rev. Allison Palm & Welcoming Congregation Team

Gathering the Community
    Prelude - Jed Holland, Music Director       
    Welcome - Rev. Allison Palm       

    Introit & Opening Words We Bid You Welcome (words: Richard Gilbert; music: Jason Shelton) - Rev. Allison Palm, Erin Scott & UU Nashua Choir       
    Chalice Lighting - Sean Chadwick       
    Opening Hymn: This Joy (words & music: Shirley Caesar)       

Sharing in Community
    Marking a Change - Rev. Allison Palm & Ericka LaValley       
    Wonderbox: Twas the Night Before Pride Written by Joanna McClintick, Illustrated by Juana Medina - Erin Scott & Addie L.       
    Anthem: Rise Up, Stay Loud (music & text: Ash; additional text: Dan Upshaw)       
    Outreach Offering: Seacoast Outright; Response: From You I Receive- Burns Fisher       
    Response: Spirit of Life       

Going Deeper
    Pride All Year Long Reflections - Erin Scott, Brian Ibsen-Johnson, Tiffany Holmes, Christal Lloyd       
    Anthem: Chosen Family (words & music: Joe Schafer Rina Sawayama; as performed by Rina Sawayama & Elton John) - Brenna Woods & Lindsey Hedrick       
    Glitter Blessing Adapted from words by Caitlin Cotter Coillberg - Rev. Allison Palm       

Returning to Service in Life
    Closing Hymn: How Could Anyone by Libby Roderick       
    Benediction & Chalice Extinguishing - Rev. Allison Palm       
    Song for Parting: Peace & Joy (words & music: Kathy Grossman); Postlude - Jed Holland       

Flower Communion Service, June 9, 2024         
Date recorded: June 9, 2024
Today's service is our annual Flower Communion Service, and is led by Rev Allison Palm and Fatih Formation Director Sadie Kahn-Greene, with support by Music Director Jed Holland.

Gathering the Community
    Prelude - Jed Holland       
    Welcome - Rev. Allison Palm       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting Excerpt from: A Flower Communion for Colleagues by Tess Baumberger - Erin Scott & Charlotte Cardone & Beatrix W.       
    Opening Hymn: Morning Has Come       

Sharing in Community
    Wonderbox Perennial Percy & Annual Annie by Sadie Kahn-Greene - Sadie Kahn-Greene & Beatrix W.       
    Flower Communion: Gathering Flowers - Rev Allison       
    Anthem: For the Beauty of the Earth (words & music: John Rutter) - UU Nashua Choir       
    Outreach Offering: Seacoast Outright - Paul Cardone       
    Spirit of Life       

Going Deeper
    Child Dedication Lionel J. Woods - Rev. Allison Palm, Sadie Kahn-Greene, Erin Scott & Lionels family       

Flower Communion: Blessing our Flowers Words by Lynn Ungar - Rev Allison
    Anthem: Flower Song (words & music: Joe Schafer) - UU Nashua Children's Choir       
    Flower Communion: Sharing Flowers       

Returning to Service in LIfe
    Closing Hymn: Love Will Guide Us       
    Benediction & Chalice Extinguishing Travelers Upon the Earth, by Elizabeth Strong - Erin Scott & Charlotte Cardone       
    Song for Parting: Peace & Joy (by Kathy Grossman)       
    Postlude Party: Gimme That Sunshine (words & music: Animal Island))- UU Nashua Choir and congregation       
    Postlude - Jed Holland & band       

Recordings from the June 2, 2024 service         
Date recorded: June 2, 2024
“Becoming UU” Led by Rev. Allison Palm

    Prelude - Jed Holland       
    Ringing the Bell and Welcome - Rev. Allison Palm       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting: "To Be a Unitarian Universalist" by Rev. Erika Hewitt - Danielle Van Dusen       
    Opening Hymn: "Gather the Spirit" #347       

    Stories of Becoming - Rev. Allison Palm       
    Reflection - Priscilla Bernasconi       
    Anthem: "The Times, They Are A-Changin'" (words & music: Bob Dylan; arr.: Adam Podd) - UU Nashua Choir; soloist, Tom Sheehan       
    Outreach Offering: Seacoast Outright - Robin Trudel & Rev. Heidi Carrington Heath; Response: From You I Receive #402       
    "Spirit of Life" #123       

    Reflection - John Burkitt       
    Reflection - Marissa Volpe       
    Anthem: "Come Dance With Us" (words & music: Hal Walker) - Marissa Volpe; Mike Cooper, guitar       
    New Member Welcome - Rev. Allison Palm & New Members       

    Closing Hymn: "Fire of Commitment" #1028       
    Benediction & Chalice Extinguishing - Rev. Allison Palm       
    Postlude - Jed Holland and the band       

Reverse Question Box         
Date recorded: May 26, 2024
“Reverse Question Box” Led by Dick Widhu, Danielle Van Dusen & Sonrisa O’Toole

Gathering The Community
    Prelude - Jed Holland       
    Ringing the Bell & Welcome - Erin Scott, Ministerial Intern       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting - Sonrisa OToole       
    Opening Hymn: Building Bridges       

Sharing In Community
    Clap to Answer Questions - Sonrisa OToole       
    Anthem: Tell Me - Kathy Grossman, Kathleen Griffis, Brenna Woods, Mike Cooper, & Jed Holland       
    Outreach Offering: American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - Burns Fisher       
    Response : From You I Receive (words & music: Joseph and Nathan Segal)       
    Wonderbox - Danielle Van Dusen & Cora       
    Silent Reflection - Erin Scott       
    Response: Spirit of Life       

Going Deeper
    Anthem: Beautiful Sounds - (music: Don Besig; words: Linda Harris)       
    Small Group Discussions & Sticker boards - Dick Widhu       

Returning To Service In Life
    Closing Hymn: We Would Be One (words: Samuel Anthony Wright, music: Jean Sibelius)       
    Benediction & Chalice Extinguishing - Erin Scott, Ministerial Intern       
    Song for Parting: Peace & Joy & Postlude - Jed Holland, Music Director       

Recordings from the May 19, 2024 service.         
Date recorded: May 19, 2024
Raised with the Gift of Pluralism led by Erin Scott, Ministerial Intern

Gathering the Community
    Prelude - Jed Holland       
    Ringing the Bell & Welcome - Erin Scott, Ministerial Intern       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting - Sam Murray       
    Opening Hymn: Building Bridges       

Sharing in Community
    Anthem: Picnic of the World (music: Jacques Offenbach; words: John Forster; as performed by Tom Chapin) - Kathy Grossman and Savannah       
    Wonderbox - Rev. Allison Palm, Sadie Kahn-Greene & Friends       
    Outreach Offering: American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - Lindsey Hedrick       
    Response : From You I Receive (words & music: Joseph and Nathan Segal)       
    Response: Spirit of Life       

Going Deeper
    Words for Reflection - Sonrisa O'Toole       
    Anthem: Trust the Seeds (words and music Elizabeth Alexander) - UU Nashua Choir       
    Reflection: Appreciating the gift of pluralism in the world - Sam Murray       
    Reflection: Appreciating the gift of pluralism within the congregation - Sonrisa O"Toole       
    Reflection: Appreciating the gift of pluralism in our free & responsible search - Erin Scott       

Returning to Service in Life
    Closing Hymn: We Laugh, We Cry (Words & music: Shelley Jackson Denham; harmony: Betsy Jo Angelbranndt)       
    Benediction & Chalice Extinguishing - Erin Scott       
    Postlude - Jed Holland       

Recordings from the May 12, 2024 service.         
Date recorded: May 12, 2024
Today's service is "You Sing My Hymn, I’ll Sing Yours", and is led by Rev. Allison Palm, with support from Music Director Jed Holland, and worship associate Julia Firmbach.

Gathering the Community
    Prelude - Jed Holland       
    Welcome - Rev Allison Palm       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting By Rev. Gretchen Haley - Julia Firmbach       
    Opening Hymn: Building Bridges       

Sharing in Community
    Story: What Is God? by Gail Sphar - Rev Allison       
    Anthem: You are Theist, I am Humanist (lyrics: Meg & Scott Bassinson; tune: "Sixteen Going On Seventeen" from "The Sound of Music" by Rogers and Hammerstein)- soloists Kathy Fletcher,Harry Purkhiser       
    Outreach Offering: American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - Robin Trudell       
    Spirit of Life       

Going Deeper
    Anthem: All Lifted Hearts (from Sources: a Unitarian Universalist Cantata. Music: Jason Shelton; Words: Kendyl) - UU Nashua Choir       
    Words for Reflection: That Which Holds All, By Nancy Shaffer - Julia Firmbach       
    Sermon - Rev. Allison Palm       

Returning to Service in Life
    Closing Hymn: When the Spirit Says Do       
    Benediction & Chalice Extinguishing - Rev. Allison Palm       
    Song for Parting: Peace & Joy (words & music: Kathy Grossman)       
    Postlude - Jed       

Recordings from the May 5, 2024 service         
Date recorded: May 5, 2024
“Pluralism in Dialogue” Led by Rev. Allison Palm

    Prelude - Jed Holland       
    Ringing the Bell & Welcome - Rev. Allison Palm       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting: "Welcoming Multiple Truths" by Rev. Julianne Lepp - Vengerflutta Smith       
    Opening Hymn: "Building Bridges" #1023       

    Wonderbox: "Wally & Freya" Author: Lindsey Pointer, Illustrator: Stella Maris - Sadie Kahn-Greene & Ayla       
    Congregational Song: "As You Go" (words & music by Kathleen Tracey)       
    Anthem: "Hands Across the Aisle" (words & music: Georgeann Weaver) - UU Nashua Choir, oboe: Corey Sweeney       
    Outreach Offering: American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - Emma Rearick & Allison Sharp (AFSP)       
    Response: "From You I Receive" #402       
    "Spirit of Life" #123       

    Words for Reflection: "Pausing for Wisdom" By Shari Woodbury - Vengerflutta Smith       
    Special Music: "Incantation and Dance" (music: William Grant Still) Corey Sweeney, oboe; Jed Holland, piano       
    Sermon - Rev. Allison Palm       

    Closing Hymn: "When Our Heart is in a Holy Place" #1008       
    Benediction & Chalice Extinguishing - Rev. Allison Palm       
    Song for Parting: "Peace & Joy" (words & music: Kathy Grossman) into postlude by Jed Holland       

Our Interdependent Web         
Date recorded: April 28, 2024
“Our Interdependent Web” Led by Sadie Kahn-Greene & Erin Scott

Gathering the Community
    Prelude - Jed Holland       
    Ringing the Bell & Welcome - Sadie Kahn-Greene       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting (Words by Paul Sprecher) - Julia Firmbach & Lev       
    Opening Hymn: Blue Boat Home       

Sharing in Community
    Centering Reading by Robin Wall Kimmerer - Sadie Kahn-Greene       
    Wonderbox - Erin Scott, Ministerial Intern & Lev       
    Anthem: The Life Thats in You (words & music: The Okee Dokee Brothers) - Kathy Grossman       
    Outreach Offering: NH Queer Farmer Network - Paul Cardone       
    Response: From You I Receive (words & music: Joseph and Nathan Segal)       
    Response: Spirit of Life       

Going Deeper
    Breathing Meditation adapted from Joanna Macy - Sadie Kahn-Greene       
    Anthem: Tree Song (words: George Ella Lyon; music: Elizabeth Alexander) - UU Nashua Choir       
    Homily - Erin Scott       
    Congregational Conversations - Sadie Kahn-Greene       

Returning to Service in Life
    Hymn: The Leaf Unfurling       
    Benediction & Chalice Extinguishing - Erin Scott & Sadie Kahn-Greene       
    Song for Parting - "Peace & Joy" (Kathy Grossman); Postlude - Jed Holland       

Why Live Free or Die Doesn't Work         
Date recorded: April 21, 2024
Why Live Free or Die Doesn't Work led by Rev. Allison Palm and Dick Widhu; Guest Pianist - Gary Finger

Gathering the Community
    Prelude - Gary Finger       
    Ringing the Bell, Land Acknowledgement & Welcome - Rev. Allison Palm       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting - Dick Widhu & Nora E.       
    Opening Hymn: Blue Boat Home       

Sharing in Community
    Wonderbox - Rev. Allison, Nora E. and Friends       
    Anthem - We Are One (words & music: Brian Tate) - UU Nashua Choir       
    Outreach Offering: NH Queer Farmer Network - Anne Smith; Response: From You I Receive (words & music: Joseph and Nathan Segal)       
    Spirit of Life       

Going Deeper
    Words for Reflection To the people who have mistaken freedom for liberation by Rev. Julin Jamaica Soto - Dick Widhu       
    Anthem: He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother (words: Bobby Scott; arr.: John Coates Jr.; words: Bob Russell) - UU Nashua Choir       
    Sermon - Rev. Allison       

Returning to Service in Life
    Closing Hymn: Our World Is One World (words & music: Cecily Taylor) #134       

Benediction & Chalice Extinguishing: A Variation on Deuteronomy 6:11 By the Rev. Peter Raible - Rev. Allison
    Song for Parting - "Peace & Joy" (Kathy Grossman); Postlude - Gary Finger       

Recordings from the April 14, 2024 service.         
Date recorded: April 14, 2024
Today's service is "Worthy of Saying No", and is led by Rev Allison Palm, with support from Music Director Jed Holland, Worship Associate Danielle Van Dusen, and Director of Faith Formation Sadie Kahn-Greene.

Gathering the Community
    Prelude - Jed Holland       
    Welcome - Rev Allison Palm       

    Chalice lighting - Danielle Van Dusen & Ruby       
    Opening Hymn: Blue Boat Home (words Peter Mayer; music Roland Hugh Prichard; adapted Peter Mayer; keyboard arr. Jason Shelton)       

Sharing in Community
    Wonderbox - Sadie Kahn-Greene & Moe       
    Anthem: All of You (from the movie Encanto)(words & music: Lin-Manuel Miranda)       

    Soloists for "All of You": Brenna Woods, Marissa Volpe, Lindsey Hedrick, Graham Cooper, Abigail Banner, Kathleen Griffis, Jed Holland, Matt Lavigne, Emma Rearick, Lev Houde 
    Wonderbox part 2 - Sadie Kahn-Greene       
    Outreach Offering: NH Queer Farmer Network - Karen Murray       
    Spirit of Life       

Going Deeper
    Words for Reflection Excerpt from Living Resistance: An Indigenous Vision for Seeking Wholeness Every Day by Kaitlin B. Curtice - Danielle Van Dusen       
    Anthem: Unconditionally (words & music: Katy Perry, Lukasz Gottwald, Max Martin & Henry Walter) - Brenna Woods       
    Sermon - Rev Allison       

Returning to Service in Life
    Closing Hymn: Loosen, Loosen (words & music: Aly Halpert)       
    Benediction - Rev Allison       
    Song for Parting: Peace & Joy (words & music: Kathy Grossman)       
    Postlude - Jed Holland       

Recordings from the April 7, 2024 service         
Date recorded: April 7, 2024
“We Need One Another” Led by Rev. Allison Palm & Pastoral Care Associates UU Nashua Band members: Matt Levigne - drums; John Burkitt - bass

    Prelude - Jed Holland       
    Ringing the Bell, Land Acknowledgement & Welcome - Rev. Allison Palm       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting: (words by Rev. Elizabeth Mount) - Marie Jones       
    Opening Hymn: "Blue Boat Home" #1064       

    Outreach Offering: NH Queer Farmer Network - Burns Fisher & Rev. Ariel Aaronson-Eves, NH Queer Farmer Network Coordinator       
    Response: "From You I Receive" #402       
    "We Need One Another" - Rev. Allison Palm       
    Anthem: "Bridge Over Troubled Water" (Words & music: Paul Simon, arranged: Kirby Shaw) - UU Nashua Choir       
    Reflection - Nan Klarman       
    Reflection - Jim Woolsey       
    Introducing Our Giving Fest - Carl Phillips       
    "Spirit of Life" #123       

    Reflection- Erin Scott       
    Reflection - Sharon Machado       
    Reflection - Laurie Barry       
    Anthem: "Ill Be There For You" (theme from "Friends" by The Rembrandts) - Kathleen Griffis, Anne Smith, Emma Rearick, Kim Steele, Marissa Volpe, Brenna Woods       
    Invitation to Giving Fest - Carl Phillips       

    Closing Hymn: "Let It Be a Dance" #311       
    Benediction & Chalice Extinguishing - Carl Phillips       
    Song for Parting: Peace & Joy (by Kathy Grossman) into postlude by Jed Holland and the band       

Anticipating a New World         
Date recorded: March 31, 2024
All Ages Easter service in the sanctuary led by Rev. Allison Palm

    Prelude - Jed Holland       
    Welcome - Rev. Allison Palm       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting - Erin Scott & Evangeline       
    Opening Hymn: Lo, the Earth Awakes Again       

    Outreach Offering       
    The Story of Easter: Part I - Rev Allison       
    Through the Rainstorm - Sadie Kahn-Greene       
    Anthem: Two Origuitas (words & music: Lin-Manuel Miranda; as performed by Sebastin Yatra) - soloist Lindsey Hedrick       
    Response: Spirit of Life       

    Wonderbox - Sadie Kahn-Greene & Friends       
    Anthem: And When I Rise - (music: Wendy Tuck & Shane Jewell; arr.: Shane Jewell; words: many anonymous singers; inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh & Wendell Berry)       
    The Story of Easter: Part II We Keep Rising In Love By Rev. Molly Housh Gordon - Rev Allison       

    Hymn: And When I Rise       
    Kids Egg Hunt Recessional       
    Benediction & Chalice Extinguishing - Rev. Allison Palm & Erin Scott       

Recordings from the March 24, 2024 service         
Date recorded: March 24, 2024
“A Faith Wrought By Time” Led by Rev. Allison Palm, Sadie Kahn-Greene, and Dick Widhu

Gathering the Community
    Prelude - Jed Holland       
    Welcome - Rev. Allison Palm       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting - Dick Widhu & Savannah C.       
    Opening Hymn: Wonders Still the World Shall Witness (words: Jacob Trapp; music: Oude en nieuwe Hollantse Boerenlities en Contradanseu)       

Sharing in Community
    Wonderbox: The Stages of Faith Formation - Sadie Kahn-Greene & Friends       
    Anthem: Unwritten (words & music: Natasha Bedingfield, Danielle Brisebois & Wayne Rodrigues; arr.: Steve Zegree) - Brenna Woods       
    Outreach Offering: Donna Purkhiser/Gregory McDevitt Scholarship - Cecile Bonvouloir; Response: From You I Receive (words & music: Joseph and Nathan Segal)       
    Spirit of Life       

Going Deeper
    Homily - Rev. Allison       
    Anthem: Gavotte (music: Franois-Joseph Gossec) - Graham C., Cello       
    Honoring Our Elders - Rev. Allison       

Returning to Service in Life
    Closing Hymn: We Laugh, We Cry (words & music: Shelley Jackson Denham; harmony: Betsy Jo Angebranndt) #354       
    Benediction & Chalice Extinguishing - Rev. Allison       
    Song for Parting - "Peace & Joy" (Kathy Grossman); Postlude - Jed Holland       

Recordings from the March 17, 2024 service         
Date recorded: March 17, 2024
Today's service is a switch-it-up Sunday, where we had a short shared service, followed by workshops to explore our values. The service was led by our ministerial intern Erin Scott, with support from Sonrisa O'Toole, Director of Faith Formation Sadie Kahn-Greene, and Music Director Jed Holland.

Gathering the Community
    Prelude - Jed Holland       
    Welcome - Erin Scott       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting To ask whats possible... by Rev. Sara LaWall - Sonrisa OToole & Leona       
    Opening Hymn: Wonders Still the World Shall Witness (words: Jacob Trapp; music: Oude en nieuwe Hollantse Boerenlities en Contradanseu)       

Sharing in Community
    Outreach Offering: Donna Purkhiser/Gregory McDevitt Scholarship - Burns Fisher       
    Anthem: Its a Brand New Day (words & music: Kathy Grossman; arr.: Jed Holland) - UU Nashua Choir       
    Collecting our offering and singing "From You I Receive" - Burns       
    Spirit of Life       
    Wonderbox Introduction the JETPIG - Sadie Kahn-Greene & Savanna       
     Congregational song "As You Go" by Kathleen Tracey       
    Workshops - We have the recording of the one in the sanctuary, "Article II, 101",led by Erin Scott       

    Other workshops included making a shared values mural, an online scavenger hunt, a discussion of love at the center, our UU Statements of Faith thru the years, and making Lego values 

Recordings from the March 10, 2024 service         
Date recorded: March 10, 2024
From Surviving to Thriving - Erin Scott

    Prelude - Jed Holland       
    Ringing the Bell, Land Acknowledgement and Welcome - Danielle Van Dusen       

    Opening Words and Chalice Lighting - Erin Scott       
    Opening Hymn: "Wonders Still the World Shall Witness" #139       

    Wonderbox: "Something, Someday" written by Amanda Gorman, illustrated by Christian Robinson - Rev. Allison Palm & Amelia A.       
    Congregational Hymn: "As You Go" by Kathleen Tracy       
    Anthem: "Running on Empty" (words & music: Jackson Browne) - Matt Lavigne & the UU Nashua Band       
    Outreach Offering: Donna Purkhiser/Gregory McDevitt Scholarship - Emma Rearick       
    Response: From You I Receive: #402       
    Hymn: "Spirit of Life: #123       

    Words for Reflection: "Open Our Hearts With Love" by Naomi King - Danielle Van Dusen       
    Anthem: "Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor" (music by Irving Berlin, arranged by Roy Ringwald, words by Emma Lazarus) - UU Nashua Choir       
    Sermon - Erin Scott       

    Closing Hymn: "Open My Heart" #1013       
    Benediction & Chalice Extinguishing - Erin Scott       
    Song for Parting: "Peace and Joy" by Kathy Grossman into postlude by Jed Holland       

Recordings from the March 3, 2024 service         
Date recorded: March 3, 2024
Naming Our Past, Transforming Our Future led by Harry Purkhiser, Rev. Allison Palm, Roy Goodman, and Tristan Husby

Gathering the Community
    Prelude - Jed Holland       
    Welcome - Rev. Allison Palm       

    Opening Words & Chalice Lighting - Harry Purkhiser       
    Opening Hymn: Wonders Still the World Shall Witness (words: Jacob Trapp; music: Oude en nieuwe Hollantse Boerenlities en Contradanseu)       

Sharing in Community
    Lead With Love Testimonial - Jim Bonvouloir, Stewardship Co-chair; Lindsey Hendrick, Board President; and Carol Houde, UU Nashua Member       
    Why Is It Called the Campbell Chapel? - Rev. Allison Palm       
    Anthem: Courage to Change (words & music: Sia) - soloist Marissa Volpe       
    I selected its church school before I passed my first decade... - Roy Goodman       
    Outreach Offering: Donna Purkhiser/Gregory McDevitt Scholarship - Anne Smith & Chris Clanin, CWG-WWS Director; Response: From You I Receive (words & music: Joseph and Nathan Segal)       
    Spirit of Life       

Going Deeper
    I do not anticipate any success in settling him as a minister... - Tristan Husby & Harry Purkhiser       
    The saddest woman I have ever known... - Roy Goodman       
    Anthem: River in Judea (words: Linda Marcus, Music: Jack Feldman, arr: John Leavitt)       
    The paradox between intention and action - Tristan Husby       
    Homily - Rev. Allison Palm       

Returning to Service in Life
    Closing Hymn: The Tide is Rising (words & music: Shoshana Friedman)       

    Sorry, but our closing words, song and postlude were cut off due to technical difficulties 

Recordings from the February 25, 2024 service         
Date recorded: February 25, 2024
“Making Room for Justice” - Led by: Rev. Allison Palm and Sadie Kahn-Greene

    Prelude - Jed Holland       
    Land Acknowledgement and Welcome - Rev. Allison Palm       

    Opening Words and Chalice Lighting: "Into the Circle" Rev. Dr. David Breeden - Charlotte Cardone and Laurel       
    Hymn of the Month - "We Would Be One" #318       

    Lead With Love Testimonials about Sadie Kahn-Greene and Mark Connolly - David Price and Robin Trudel       
    "Room on the Rug": A Story for All Ages, by Lauren Wyeth Adapted by Sadie Kahn-Greene for UU Church of Nashua - Charlotte, Carl Phillips, Olympia, Phinn, Sabrina, Laurel, Caleb, Bennett & Oliver       
    Anthem: "Draw the Circle Wide" (words & music: Mark A. Miller) - UU Nashua Choir (soloists Martha Holland and Tom Sheehan)       
    Outreach Offering: SNH Services Fuel Assistance - Robin Trudel       
    Response: "From You I Receive" #402       
    Hymn: "Spirit of Life" #123       

    Words for Reflection: Excerpt from "Poverty, by America" by Matthew Desmond - Sadie Kahn-Greene       
    Anthem: "Crowded Table" (artist: The Highwomen; arr.: Andrea Ramsey) - UU Nashua Choir       
    Wonderbox - Rev. Allison Palm and Laurel       
    Guided Meditation - Rev. Allison Palm       

    Closing Hymn: "Fire of Commitment" #1028       
    Benediction and Chalice Extinguishing: "Justice is Our Prayer" by Rev. Rebekah Savage - Rev. Allison Palm       
    Song for Parting: "Peace and Joy" by Kathy Grossman into postlude by Jed Holland       

Recordings from the February 18, 2024 service.         
Date recorded: February 18, 2024
Today's service is "450 Years of Monopoly" and is led by guest minister Rev. Shayna Appel, with support from Music Director Jed Holland, and Worship Associate Vengerflutta Smith. Rev. Shayna Appel takes on a tough topic of racism and our role in it in the past and still today. Please take a listen and think about it. We also have two wonderful pieces of uplifting music for our anthems today.

Gathering the Community
    Prelude - Jed Holland       
    Welcome - Vengerflutta Smith       

    Opening Words: Toward a Place of Wholeness By Viola Abbitt - Rev. Shayna Appel, Guest Minister       
    Chalice Lighting: Into the Circle By Rev. Dr. David Breeden - Rev Shayna Appel       
    Opening Hymn: We Would Be One (words: Samuel Anthony Wright; music: Jean Sibelius)       

Sharing in Community
    Wonderbox Walking with the Wind (adapted by Rev. Karen G. Johnston from the prologue of John Lewis's memoir of the same name) - Vengerflutta       
    Lead With Love Testimonial - Jim Bonvouloir, Stewardship Co-Chair & Burns Fisher, BoT Vice President       
    Anthem: Concerto in D Minor, Op 9 No 2 movement 2 (music: Tomaso Albinoni) - Corey Sweeney, Oboe and Jed Holland, Piano       
    Outreach Offering: SNH Services Fuel Assistance - Lindsey Hedrick       
    Spirit of Life       

Going Deeper
    Words for Reflection First reflection: words by Annie Reneau Second reflection: words by Rev. Alan Taylor - Vengerflutta       
    Anthem: Distant Land (words & music: John Rutter) - UU Nashua Choir       
    Sermon: 450 Years of Monopoly - Rev. Shayna Appel       

Returning to Service in Life
    Closing Hymn: There is More Love Somewhere (words & music: African American Hymn)       

    Sorry, but our closing words, song and postlude were cut off due to technical difficulties 


This site developed and maintained by Dan Murphy.